July 2013 Attune Magazine July 2013 | Page 62

Chaos is not the enemy, just as shadow is not the enemy. Chaos is important, because it brings change. Chaos introduces movement into an otherwise frozen and unchanging situation. An element of chaos can be what brings new energy into an otherwise stagnant situation- just as shadows add interest and contrast to the presence of light. Without shadows- light is glaring and harsh. With shadow, comes interest, restfulness, and sometimes challenge.

Proponents of Chaos Magick claim that there is a higher order -or pattern- hidden in the seeming randomness of change and flux that chaos brings about.

When we view things in the microcosm only- the patterns are often impossible to see...but when we expand our view, the patterns become visible. Fractals in nature demonstrate this underlying pattern that repeats itself over and over again, as we change our perspective to include ever larger and smaller views of our universe. This makes it clear that there are no absolutes in non-local Time-Space, and that it is the limitation of our physical equipment and human-centric understanding that makes it appear that way. There is always something greater, and always something smaller- the Rabbit Hole goes on indefinitely.