July 2013 Attune Magazine July 2013 | Page 53

Dear Wendy

I have this dream fairly often with slight changes in scenery. I am back in my old schoolroom. It is the high school junior class, sometimes a younger class than this. I am wondering why I have to go through it all over again. I know I have already graduated. I am wasting my time. Sometimes, I miss classes or come to class unprepared. I drop some of the subjects entirely. HT

Dear HT

This is the school of life and you are struggling with patterns that are difficult for you to change although you experience the same problems time and time again. Though you are doing your best, you are unable to make progress as quickly as you and others expected and it is getting you down. You feel you want to give up! I would recommend that you re-evaluate your present life-style, looking carefully at your patterns. Re-plan in detail each step you need to take to create a more productive, logical and rational course of action. Realisation is the first step to eradicating self-defeating life patterns.