July 2013 Attune Magazine July 2013 | Page 51

Dear Wendy

I am shown how to resuscitate the dead by changing the design of an original painting. All the colours must be removed and white must be used, in stages, starting from the top and moving down the canvas. After painstaking work, I reach the bottom, where there is a horseman who has a line which goes to the top of the painting. This line crosses seven stars at the top. I see the dead person is breathing again. KC

Dear KC

You have a perspective that enables you to see the big picture, life and death and all between. You have been inspired to transform a very difficult situation, perhaps within your family, work environment, society or even the world. This change needs to be instigated through a radical charge taking place at the top where purification is needed. The horseman represents those who work for this cause and those at the bottom of the organisation who need to connect to those in power in order to rectify this imperative situation that you are involved with. It is auspicious the line from the workers runs through to the top via the Pleiades, this tiny group of seven stars. In the myths of the Inuit people, a dangerous and hungry bear threatened mankind with certain death but was chased away by a courageous pack of dogs. Now enacted throughout eternity as the Pleiades pursues the Great Bear across the sky, so we remember the importance of saving someone from the jaws of death.