July 2013 Attune Magazine July 2013 | Page 33

The Devil

The Devil is Roman numeral XV or number fifteen. Fifteen reduces to a six and pairs with The Lovers. Six usually symbolizes the union of polarity and soulful integration as in the Lovers, however in this card we focus on the challenges six can bring. These include anxiety, being over controlled, codependent and suffering guilt. The Devil reflects it all back to you in a distorted image that leaves you full of fear from lack of resources, loss of love and the viewpoint that the world going to hell in a hand basket.

The Devil sits atop a mirror conjuring up his deceptive lies and illusions. The mirror has its own negative energy. Three different coloured eyes peer out of the mirror, the words, fear, lack, anxiety; limitations, loss, struggle, bondage and pain are carved into the mirror’s frame. At the bottom are the words “face your demons.”

The Devil is about distortion and delusion. In mirror image Devil is the word lived spelled backwards. A beautiful young woman stands before the mirror; the Devil reflects back her fears, struggle, pain and her belief in limitations, distorting and destroying her self-image. The Devil feeds her ego making it feel bound by the vine of dead leaves, blocked by the brick wall so all she can see is what she lacks.

Pearls of Wisdom Tarot By: Roxi Sim