Juicebox Winter. 2014 | Page 8



Next stop Jamaica , or at least the parts of Jamaica I could find within London . I found there wasn ’ t a specific area to visit for Jamaican Culture , but more a combination of a few places . These mainly consisted of restaurants and areas to generally get good authentic Jamaican food . After visiting these places I had noticed a common theme amongst them , the bright colours , and happy , excited natures of the people , which created bubbly exciting atmospheres . The restaurants themselves were very happy places to be , everyone talked to everyone , which made it seem even further away from the London we all know , where no one talks to anyone ! You can see the Caribbean influence to their style straight off , everyone is wearing bright colours and loud prints , which can almost make you forget you are in gloomy England with it pouring with rain outside all the time . Its almost as if it is their aim to make you feel a million miles away , in the sunny Caribbean , and they defiantly do it well . Making them worth the visit in the cold harsh winters .


The final culture I explored was that of Africa . This is as huge part of London and although spread around , one key are is that near Bethnal Green Road , this is mainly due to the fact that this where they have The Africa Centre . Here they have various events and festivals on , where everyone is welcome , whether from the same background THE DENIM or SHIRT not . It ’ s a bright upbeat place , with a lot of bright colours . You can see their history and what they stand for all around , through pictures and posters . You get a real sense THE that DENIM they SHIRT are trying to help people and promote their culture . I can notice two different styles around me here one is that of prints and colours , while still looking smart , it is THE clear DENIM that SHIRT they like experimenting . Another being neutral earthy tones , in simple silhouettes . Like with all the places I have visited it is only when they come together that you would notice the similarity in
how they dress , London as a whole does breed individuality and when people have these cultural backgrounds it influences them all differently and when mixed with London it creates some amazing and unique looks .