Juicebox Self. Winter 2015 | Page 23

For years now , carbs have been considered the enemy to anyone trying to loose weight . They have been diminished by diet gurus , criticised for causing obesity , and even blamed for causing cancer . From just hearing these supposed effects it ’ s no wonder why people have been minimising their intake and even wiping it completely out of their diets . However , despite what people think , it ’ s time for us to be eating carbs again .

Without trying to sound like one of those health lessons you used to have at school , what people aren ’ t understanding is the confusion over simple and complex carbohydrates . While simple carbs include your guilty pleasures such as white bread , cakes and biscuits , complex carbs are your whole grains , legumes and nuts . Ultimately , your not going to loose weight by just cutting out all carbs , instead your going to lack energy , poor concentration and have mood swings ; your not going to be very fun to hang around with . It ’ s actually very hard to cut out all carbs when actually both vegetables and fruits are sources of carbohydrate . Its just a matter of knowing what carbs are good carbs , as it is possible that they can help you loose weight .
When it comes to supercarbs wholegrain products are the way to go . Whether it be brown rice , whole-grain pasta , beans or whole wheat bread , they are all rich in fibre , vitamins and minerals . Taking longer to digest they will leave you fuller for longer , meaning you won ’ t find yourself raiding the cupboards every hour for unnecessary snacks . Potatoes ( with the skin on !) are another great source for fibre , but it ’ s sweet potatoes in particular that are the ones you need to be eating . Packed with goodness , they are one of the best carbs you can eat with an endless amount of benefits , from healthy blood sugar levels to lowering blood pressure . Not only are most of these foods healthy , they are easy to prepare , easily available , delicious and very affordable .