Juicebox Boys. Summer 2015 | Page 40



Describe your style in 3 words ?
I would have to say tailored , sophisticated , fetish Who had the biggest influence on you growing up ?
From what I can think of , Avril Lavigne - however since being a teenager I never looked at idols or people , I bought what I liked and put it in a way that I liked . I have conceded my outfits now and simplified it into a more tailored way and since starting bespoke tailoring ; I ’ m heavily influenced by the 70s and have been for a long while now .
How long have you been interested in design ? And more specifically bespoke tailoring ?
When I was 6 years old , I ’ d collect my mums old clothes and then when I was 11 I started to make them to my own size and tailor it more to my own style .. Bespoke tailoring started when I was in year 12 when I began making suits for people . My second year in college my designs and garments were heavily influenced with bespoke / period tailoring .
Where do you see yourself in 5 years ?
In 5 years time I hope to have my own clientele that I tailor-make pieces for . I am currently working on Saville Row where I am gaining an understanding of the business a lot more from fittings to finish . I enjoy making one-off pieces that make the customer happy !
Your intern at the royal opera , how was it ?
My internship at the royal opera house opened me up to Costume design . During my time there we made Elizabethan outfits for prestigious Royal Ballet dancers . The material was 97 % metal and 3 % material which made the material move . Everything was hand stitched and was a 100 % replica of an Elizabethan dress .
It was an inspiring internship and taught me a lot about history which I would like to include in my future designs .
Do you have a favourite motto ? I only wear Chanel to bed ’ I ’ m a glamourous girl
Interviewed by Philippa Jones | Images by Brogan McGurk