Joy feelings magazine | Page 54

HEALTHY LIVING: SYMPTOMS, CAUSES, PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF STOMACH ULCERS duodenal, Type III is a Prepylori ulcer, Type IV is a proximal gastresophageal ulcer and Type V can occur anywhere along the gastric body and is NSAID induced. What is a Stomach Ulcer? The term “peptic ulcer,” or PUD, peptic ulcer disease is used to describe the various types of ulcers that occur in the digestive system of the human body. A Stomach ulcer is also referred to as a gastric ulcer, an ulcer in the duodenal is called a duodenal ulcer, an esophageal ulcer forms in the esophagus and a Merkel's Diverticulum is called Merkel's Diverticulum ulcer. What causes a Stomach Ulcer? Almost 80% of all ulcers are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, H. pylori, while some 4% of ulcers may be as a result of a malignancy. Another factor that is known to cause stomach ulcers is the prolonged usage of antiinflammatory medications (NSAIDs) such as aspirin naproxen, ibuprofen and others that are available via prescription. Zollinger- Peptic ulcers also have five different types. Type I occurs along the lesser curve of the stomach, Type II means there are two ulcers present, one gastric and one 54