Joy feelings magazine | Page 52

So Jude did everything he could to make Terri stay away. But a demon stalked the sexy spitfire, and Jude had no choice but to protect a woman who created a longing inside him that could never be sated…. Reader’s comment: This is a really good book because of the action and the romance is really good. I like the characters of the book because they are really awesome people and some of the main characters are vampires. I like the plot of the book but sometimes it was a little confusing and sometimes I wish it was a little longer in some places. I love Jude and Terri because they go really well together and he will do anything for her. I also like that he his really abscessed with her because of her blood. Scarlet by Alexander Ripley. This book, the sequel to Margaret Mitchell's "Gone With the Wind" follows Scarlett in her attempt to win back the love and affection of Rhett. We follow Scarlett from Atlanta to Charleston, where she lives with Rhett's mother, and visits her aunts. She then goes to Savannah and meets some family members she has never met before. Then, with them, she goes to 52