1. Make a paste of ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and a few drops of water. 2. Apply the paste on the painful gums. 3. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes, then gently massage the gums for a couple of minutes. 4. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with lukewarm water. 5. Use this home treatment twice daily for at least a week.   5. Aloe Vera Another effective remedy to get rid of denture pain is aloe vera. The herb has anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial properties that can restrict the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, soothe inflamed gums and reduce gum pain. Slit open an aloe vera leaf with a knife and extract the gel. Blend it. Using a cotton ball, apply it directly on the painful gums. Wait 10 minutes before rinsing your mouth with cool water. Avoid eating anything for 1 hour. Repeat this remedy 2 or 3 times daily until the pain is gone. If you have dry mouth symptoms, drink ¼ cup of aloe vero juice daily. To make the juice blend 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel with a cup of water or citrus juice like that of orange. 6. Massage Your Gums To reduce gum swelling, gently massaging the gums will help a lot. Massage encourages blood circulation, which reduces swelling as well as pain. For massaging the gums, you can use olive oil, which has anti-inflammatory properties. 1. Rub some olive oil directly on your gums. JOY FEELINGS