probably generates a greater willingness to dissolve later relationships, including marriages. Such individuals may also have a relatively low tolerance for unhappiness in a relationship 14 and choose to "bail out" rather than learn to work through differences. Eight Reasons Why Marriage Is Better than Cohabitation In a comparison of relationship benefits and costs, marriage wins over cohabitation. First, as described above, cohabitation lowers one's chances of marital satisfaction. Cohabitors also have a different perspective on time than marrieds have. 15 Marriage, by definition, means, "I will always be here for you." Marrieds' longterm contract encourages emotional investment in the relationship. In contrast, cohabitation for most seems to mean, "I will be here only as long as the relationship meets my needs." Thus, cohabitors feel less secure in their relationships. In addition, cohabitors are less likely than marrieds to view their JOY FEELINGS