showering together so she feels *clean*. I read on a gay website somewhere that the person on the receiving end should make sure they shit before they try it, so you might want to gently suggest that as well. All in all it wasn't a bad experience for me and it certainly wasn't painful. How to... enjoy anal sex. If I could only perform one sexual act for the rest of my life, I'd pick anal sex. Surprised? Scientifically speaking, you shouldn't be. The butt is rich with nerve endings, and the anal canal conveniently points straight towards two of the most sensitive spots on our bodies: the G-spot in women (through the anal wall), and P-spot (prostate) in men. Here's a down and not-so-dirty guide to having (and enjoying!) anal sex: 1. Lube: Before you even think about having anal sex, get some lube. The butt has none of its own lubricant, so you have to use lube. No, saliva doesn’t count as lubricant, and I’m living proof that you can injure yourself as a result. You can read more about lube—and what not using it can do to you— JOY FEELINGS