JOY FEELINGS MAGAZINE November issue 2015 | Page 42

referred to as the “forgotten organ.” These gut bugs are incredibly important for all sorts of healthrelated aspects. A disruption in the gut bacteria is linked to some of the world’s most serious chronic diseases, including obesity (31, 32). A good way to improve gut health, is to eat probiotic foods (like live yogurt and sauerkraut), take probiotic supplements, and eat plenty of fiber. Fiber functions as fuel for the gut bacteria (33, 34). 8. Drink Some Water, Especially Before Meals Drinking enough water can have numerous benefits. One important factor, is that it can help boost the amount of calories you burn. According to 2 studies, it can boost metabolism by 24-30% over a period of 1-1.5 hours. This can amount to 96 additional calories burned if you drink 2 liters (67 oz) of water per day (35, 36). JOY FEELINGS MAGAZINE The best time to drink water is half an hour before meals. One study showed that half a liter of water, 30 minutes before each meal, increased weight loss by 44% (37). 9. Don’t Overcook or Burn Your Meat Meat can be a nutritious and healthy part of the diet. It is very high in protein, and contains various important nutrients. The problems occur when meat is overcooked and burnt. This can lead to the formation of harmful compounds that raise the risk of cancer (38). So, eat your meat, just don’t overcook or burn it. 10. Avoid Bright Lights Before Sleep When we’re exposed to bright lights in the evening, this disrupts production of the sleep hormone melatonin (39, 40). An interesting “hack” is to use a pair of amber-tinted glasses that block blue light from entering your eyes in the evening.