7 3. Try to be Pinteresting. Take a break from pinning your 100-day squat challenge—your opportunity to make your Pinterest boards a reality is now. When I signed up for a longdistance relationship, I unleashed the DIY Girlfriend inside me. From handwritten letters (my personal favorite) to care packages, I was given the opportunity to be as corny as I wanted—all rationally in the name of long-distance love. 4. There will be threesomes— and it’s OK. I frequently spoon with my iPhone and dreamily gaze into pixels while on Skype—I’m in a threesome with my boyfriend and an electronic device. While embracing technology without feeling like a scene out of Her, remember that even distant couples need space. Drowning your significant other with minute-by-minute messages can kill your personal productivity, feel like a task, and ultimately lessen the bittersweet feeling of missing someone you JF mag! love. Experiment to find a communicative balance that works best for both of you. 5. Be your own hot date. As someone who has skipped shaving my legs (because who else is going to be that close to me?), I know it’s mindlessly simple to resort to sweatpants and Netflix. Your exterior doesn’t contribute to your worth and it certainly isn’t a reflection of who you are, but pulling yourself together is a gigantic source of confidence. Make time for primping or hitting the gym because it’s a gift to you, not only your significant other. 6. Plan ahead. Having an indefinite amount of time between your next in-person interaction can be discouraging. Plan visits or video dates and give yourselves something to look forward to. 7. Have an end in sight. Education, career opportunities, and military deployments are only a few of the things keeping couples apart. It doesn’t have to