  When appropriate, discuss with children the importance of abstinence and safe sex. A health-care professional or school counselor can help. Vaccinate girls and young women as well as boys and young men against HPV. Talk to a health professional for more information. care professional about which tests you should have and when. Cancers that should be tested for regularly:     Colon and rectal cancer Breast cancer Cervical cancer Lung cancer (in current or past heavy smokers) 8. Get Screening Tests There are a number of important screening tests that can help protect against cancer. Some of these tests find cancer early when they are most treatable, while others can actually help keep cancer from developing in the first place. For colorectal cancer alone, regular screening could save over 30,000 lives each year. That’s three times the number of people killed by drunk drivers in the United States in all of 2011. Talk to a health Joy feelings magazine 6 SECRETS OF SUPERHEALTHY PEOPLE Admit it, you’re a little jealous of people who stockpile their sick days. While you sneeze and cough your way through cold and flu season, they show no signs of even a sniffle. Don’t just envy them. Steal their secrets for a stronger Page 8