Gospel of Thomas, Jesus seems to pronounce that Mary must be made male to enter heaven. Legend. The idea that Mary Magdalene bore Jesus's child, a folk legend for centuries, was given a boost in the 1960s by Frenchman Pierre Plantard, who forged documents purporting to show that that this child was the ancestor of the French Merovingian kings. Plantard later recanted under oath. The 1982 book Holy Blood, Holy Grail popularized Plantard's theories and added that Mary's womb was the Grail. Author Dan Brown lifted much of his conspiracy material from this book, but Ehrman slams it. "Of the hundreds of professional New Testament scholars whom I personally know...there is not a single one, to my knowledge, who finds the claims of the book Joy feelings magazine to be historically credible," he writes. The Truth, Dan Brown, and The Da Vinci Code By Richard Abanes Author of The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code – The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is one of the most intriguing, yet disturbing, books to ever hit bestseller lists. It has entertained millions of fiction fans and will probably continue to do so thanks to director Ron Howard's motion picture adaptation of it starring Tom Hanks. Unfortunately, the saga boldly attacks Christian beliefs relating to the Page 48