tale with enigma piled on secrets stacked on riddles .
Vince Flynn The Da Vinci Code sets the hook-of-all-hooks , and takes off down a road that is as eye-opening as it is pageturning . You simply cannot put this book down . Thriller readers everywhere will soon realize Dan Brown is a master .
Fact and fiction in the da vinci code
The story tells the investigation started by symbolist Robert Langdon and a good-looking cryptologist , Sophie Neveu , around the murder of a
Museum Louvre ' s curator . In fact , the unfortunate murdered man was Sophie ' s grandfather , and the corpse was found with a series of symbols and codes , like a pentagram and a Fibonacci number sequence . But police detective Fache will begin to chase Langdon , who escapes after receiving a warning about the captain ' s real intentions . Sophie has with her a kind of key with dots and number 24 engraved on it , which opens to her and Langdon a big complex investigation that involves a supposedly heretic theory : Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were , in fact , a couple who produced a daughter named Sara . A millenarian sect called The Priory of Sion has kept for centuries the secret of that matter . A masochist and kind

tale with enigma piled on secrets stacked on riddles .

Vince Flynn The Da Vinci Code sets the hook-of-all-hooks , and takes off down a road that is as eye-opening as it is pageturning . You simply cannot put this book down . Thriller readers everywhere will soon realize Dan Brown is a master .

Fact and fiction in the da vinci code

The story tells the investigation started by symbolist Robert Langdon and a good-looking cryptologist , Sophie Neveu , around the murder of a

Museum Louvre ' s curator . In fact , the unfortunate murdered man was Sophie ' s grandfather , and the corpse was found with a series of symbols and codes , like a pentagram and a Fibonacci number sequence . But police detective Fache will begin to chase Langdon , who escapes after receiving a warning about the captain ' s real intentions . Sophie has with her a kind of key with dots and number 24 engraved on it , which opens to her and Langdon a big complex investigation that involves a supposedly heretic theory : Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were , in fact , a couple who produced a daughter named Sara . A millenarian sect called The Priory of Sion has kept for centuries the secret of that matter . A masochist and kind

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