up to me and telling me how much of an inspiration that was for them to see. They witnessed a huge tipping point in my life and watched me overcome a tremendous fear. They were all inspired to now go out and conquer the fears that were holding them back in life. Although they were inspired, no one could tell it was my first time really speaking in front of such a large audience… They all said it looked like I’d been doing it for years! It is such an AMAZING feeling to overcome a fear that had such a strong grip on me… And I can’t even begin to express how empowering it truly is. When you overcome any fear you have, whether large or small, you move one step closer to freedom. And you start to see just how darn powerful you really are when you no longer let fear control your life. Joy feelings magazine Personal Growth… This is really what the personal growth journey is all about. Without challenges, we would never grow. And the people who are the most successful are those who have GROWN the most. So how do you really overcome fear? Face it head on. The more you run from fear or run from things that challenge you, the more you run from success. So I encourage you to ‘seek out’ experiences that terrify you. Challenge yourself to face your fears and regardless of the outcome, you’ll be growing by leaps and bounds. There really is no such thing as failure… Only experiences that challenge us to grow. I don’t see my experience in Las Vegas as a failure at all. In fact, that was exactly the experience I needed to have Page 27