speaking if I wanted to fully step into my own power. So when my company asked me to speak again this past weekend in Orlando, Florida, I had to say yes. My mind was resisting it and I was tempted to start coming up with any excuses I could think of to NOT do it… But my heart was telling me that this was important. I needed this chance to truly overcome my biggest fear and really walk the walk when it comes to personal growth and development. So the morning of my speech, I spent some time alone in my room and did some deep breathing. I sat there with my eyes closed and envisioned myself walking out on stage with power. In my mind, when I looked out to see the crowd of people staring back at me, I felt the feeling of being completely and utterly FREE. I consciously invoked the feeling of freedom from any Joy feelings magazine fear, worry, anxiety, or inhibitions. I chose to see this moment as a step towards the realization of my own power and freedom, not as something to fear. Instead of worrying about nearly fainting again or imagining another awful scenario, I consciously chose to only focus on feeling empowered and free. Whatever we focus on, we create… And there was no way I was going to sabotage myself by creating mental pictures of what I DIDN’T want. I mentally rehearsed the outcome that I DID want. I also decided to feel my inner body and get very connected to myself beforehand. I spent some time observing my inner state and accepting whatever it was I was feeling. My body was still experiencing the physiological response of being scared and nervous, but Page 25