 Try probiotics. A recent study in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that stressed-out college students who got these “good” bacteria had fewer sick days than those who didn’t. Even if they did catch a bug, they recovered faster. You can get probiotics from foods like yogurt -- look for “live and active cultures” on the label - or take them as pills. 5. Get enough shut-eye. Americans who said they had very good or excellent health and quality of life slept more -- an average of 18 to 23 minutes per night -- than those who rated their health as good, fair, or poor, according to the National Sleep Foundation. cold when they get the virus compared to those who get 7 hours of sleep a night. No surprise. Your immune system needs sleep to keep you healthy. How much? Researchers found that people who log less than 6 hours a night are about four times more likely to catch a Research suggests she’s on to something. One study showed that mindfulness techniques like meditation may cut your chances of catching a cold. The participants who practiced Joy feelings magazine If you can’t tame your inner night owl, try this trick: Set an alarm clockat night as a reminder that it’s time to go to bed. 6. Three, two, one, Ohm. Jessica McFarland, a middleschool science teacher in Philadelphia, comes in contact with 145 13-year-olds every day. “It’s a miracle that I never get sick!” she says. Among her stay-healthy habits: She takes slow, deep breaths whenever she begins to feel stressed. If possible, she takes a moment for a mini meditation. Page 11