JOY FEELINGS MAGAZINE January 2016 issue | Page 39

and other fruits and vegetables. Following this tip will clear blemishes and make your face spotless and beautiful. Blemishes are usually caused due to sun, acne and clogged pores that leave some dark spots on the skin. No one likes such imperfection especially on the face and hence there are a variety of treatments based on the cause to remove these black spots. You can either buy a good scar removal cream or opt for natural care, both are effective. 1. Clean your face daily. Washing face two or three times a day regularly will help you to remove dirt and dead cells clearing the pores and fading blemishes. Take clean warm water to rinse your face and then remember to moisturize skin. This will prevent acne, clogging of pores and dirt build up making face glowing and spotless. 2. Scrub your face. Use a product containing alpha and beta hydroxy acids, salicylic acids to deeply clean skin pores. These acids have powers that remove dirt deeply clogged under skin and help you to get rid of large pores and blemishes. 3. Apply scar lightening cream. Buy a good skin lightening cream or serum with peptides and other natural extracts that will fade away blemishes and other skin problem. Apply it regularly twice a day to cure your problem within a few weeks. Joy feelings mag Page 39