JOY FEELINGS MAGAZINE January 2016 issue | Page 100

   Prepare and fill the gelatin capsules with boric acid and safely and properly store them. Insert 1 filled-with-boric acid capsule into your vagina and let it stay overnight Apply this tip 2 -3 times every week. The one out of home remedies for vaginal odor making use of boric acid is actually a great preventive measure which can help to preventing you from getting bacterial vaginosis in the condition that your body is tending to this. In any case, anytime when you feel that you are going to get Bacterial Vaginosis, your need to get increased measurement of boric acid capsule by making use of one filled-withboric acid capsule for every of three successive nights. After that, start making use of this capsule on more than once per week. Warning: Making sure that you will not swallow the gelatin filledwith-boric acid capsules. Put a proper name on the jugs in which you store the capsules and keep it far away from the reach of your children. When you are during a pregnancy or expecting for a chance to get pregnant, do not use the boric acid capsules for your vagina. 4. Apple Cider Vinegar: Joy feelings mag Page 100