phytochemicals that are released when chopped, fermented, chewed, or even digested. Once broken down in the body, they turn into substances that have an advanced effect on detoxification. Interestingly, broccoli sprouts should be preferred over regular broccoli due to the fact that the sprouts contain 20 times more sulfurophane. Try adding some broccoli sprouts to your lunch or dinner salad, or mixing them with a rice dish. Kelp increases your iodine intake . Low thyroid levels can cause sluggishness, weight gain, and moodiness. Iodine is essential to the thyroid, the butterfly-shaped gland in the neck. Kelp is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and—most important for low thyroid levels—iodine. Be aware that overconsumption of iodine can create problems too. The key is a moderate amount to raise energy levels and brain functioning. Other power greens include kale, bok choy, spinach, parsley, gree n beans, and alfalfa