accumulation. Learn about an easy at home method of cleansing toxic metals from the body. Raw/alkaline foods cleanseThis is a temporary cleanse using uncooked fruits and vegetables, combined with smaller amounts of raw nuts, seeds and sprouts. This is an excellent way to detoxify the colon, liver and other bodily systems. It reduces the body’s need to constantly attempt to alkalize the acidic nature of the blood, from eating a modern, non-alkaline diet. Learn more about the benefits of a raw food diet. Juice fasts- This consists of consuming only freshly juiced fruits and vegetables for one to three days or longer. Helpful, cleansing fruits and veggies include JOY FEELINGS MAG apples, carrots, beets, ginger root, spinach, pears, celery, kale, cabbage, pineapple, cranberry, and other dark leafy greens. Citrus fruits are usually avoided while fasting. Organic fruits and vegetables are best, as well as freshly juiced fruits and vegetables (not bottled). Kitcheree cleanse- A kitcheree cleanse is an ancient Ayurvedic method of cleansing the body through what is known as a “monodiet.” In a kitcheree cleanse, you can eat a super-alkaline diet of mung beans, cooked vegetables, basmati rice and spices. This diet offers a temporary relief to the digestive system, and contributes to overall detoxification, especially when combined with cleansing herbs. Page 20