face, but that's not true. In fact, too much washing will probably do more damage than good. "It's important to gently remove makeup and actual dirt from the skin, but it's a bit of a myth that we have to scrub ourselves squeaky clean two or three times daily," says Krant. "Sometimes overwashing can produce the same overdryness and irritation that anti-aging products can create. When we wash too much and strip away the skin's natural, healthy, moisturizing oils, we create redness and flakiness, and the skin actually gets a counterproductive signal to start producing more oil to keep itself protected. This is how we can end up both dry and oily at the same time. Reduce the amount of cleansing and let the skin relax." One more thing -- when you do cleanse, Dr. Neal Schultz, JOY FEELINGS MAG NYC dermatologist, host of and creator of BeautyRx by Dr. Schultz, says, "Make sure you use a toner after your cleanser to synergize with your cleanser in removing clogging dirt, debris, oil and dead skin cells and to remove cleanser that your water rinse didn't remove." 3. Don’t squeeze We know it's tempting to squeeze and pick at any zits that happen to show up on your face, but don't. "Manage acne gently, with help from your dermatologist, not your fingertips," says Krant. "Anything you pick and and try to solve yourself will only last much longer and risk being permanently scarred. The right dermatologist can help you with an easy, ongoing preventive regimen that will help more." Page 14