JOY FEELINGS MAGAZINE 94 pages | Page 13

13 What Mumsnetters say about eating safely in pregnancy   Apparently, a pregnant woman has a far higher chance of becoming ill from listeriosis than a nonpregnant person. Listeriosis can cause miscarriage, premature labour and stillbirth. But just because you eat ripened soft cheeses it doesn't mean you WILL get listeriosis. Oakmaiden You can eat shellfish safely if it's thoroughly cooked and piping hot all the way through. The same goes for everything really. No piping hot food can contain listeria. And Joy feelings magazine hard cheeses are all safe, too. Aloha How much caffeine is safe? Current research indicates that high levels of caffeine can result in miscarriage or low birth weight, so government health advice is not to exceed 200mg of caffeine a day. Basically, if you eat a bar of plain chocolate and drink one mug of filter coffee a day, or if you drink two mugs of tea and a can of cola, you'll have reached the 200mg limit. Can I dye my hair? One pregnancy plus is that many women find their hair gets thicker (we won't dwell on it falling out again after the baby's born). It's one aspect of