Journal: People Science - Human Capital Management & Leadership in the public sector Volume 1, Issue 2 Spring/Summer 2014 | Page 9

what we found is that HR people are often very good at initiating change, but not so good at sustaining it. Sixth: HR people have to be technology proponents. And this is not just about technology, but about information. How do we do the analytics and share the information that allows us not just to have data, but to have intervention and impact from the data that we collect? he thinks the ability to manage information, not just to do things more efficiently, but to build social media, and connections inside and outside the company, will become a key advantage for HR in the future. And that’s what we found in our research. So 6 buckets of competencies from the 140 items and that’s the way they impact the people who we might work with. That’s what we found in our research. Allan: In your book, you spoke about the differences between how HR rates itself against the various competencies, etc. and how line managers and others rate them. Can you speak to that? Allan: You talked earlier about culture being one of the three key things HR should architect? But how do I build or influence cultural change when it is so ingrained in the agency that I work for?” Dave: One of the things that we've learned, which is kind of interesting, HR people often rate their effectiveness lower than their associates rate them, and sometimes people working in the HR field almost have a self-image problem – we’re not contributing as much as those around us think we could. It’s interesting to s