Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 4, Number 1, Spring 2018 | Page 199

Journal on Policy and Complex Systems
Wallis , S . E . ( 2014a ). Evaluating Explanations through their Conceptual Structures . In M . Lissack , & A . Graber ( Eds .), Modes of Explanation : Affordances for Action and Prediction . New York : Palgrave MacMillan .
Wallis , S . E . ( 2014b ). Existing and emerging methods for integrating theories within and between disciplines . Organisational Transformation and Social Change , 11 ( 1 ), 3 – 24 .
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Wallis , S . E . ( 2015b ). Integrative Propositional Analysis : A New Quantitative Method for Evaluating Theories in Psychology Review of General Psychology , 19 ( 3 ), 365 – 380 .
Wallis , S . E . ( 2016 ). The science of conceptual systems : A progress report . Foundations of Science , 21 ( 4 ), 579 – 602 .
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Wallis , S . E ., & Valentinov , V . ( 2016c ). What Is Sustainable Theory ? A Luhmannian Perspective on the Science of Conceptual Systems . Foundations of Science , in press .
Wallis , S . E ., Wright , B ., & Nash , F . D . ( 2016 ). Using Integrative Propositional Analysis to Evaluate and Integrate Economic Policies of U . S . Presidential Candidates White Paper : 16 : Center for Scientific Analysis of Policy .
Wong , E . M ., Ormiston , M . E ., & Tetlock , P . E . ( 2011 ). The Effects of Top Management Team Integrative Complexity and Decentralized Decision Making on Corporate Social Performance . Academy of Management Journal , 54 ( 6 ), 1207 – 1228 .
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