Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 3, Issue 2 | Page 237

Policy and Complex Systems
plines , historical contexts , perspectives , and technologies .
Another critical concept is that the emergence of the education of the community is a result of the interactions of individuals , each with his or her own talents with a sharing of knowledge . The results may be categorized using traditional disciplines , but blended as interdisciplinary when applied to complex adaptive systems .
According to Seldin ( 2016a ), the mission of the ACE should be to improve policy decisions at every level of society by facilitating greater innovation in education ( Seldin , 2016a ). It would be beneficial to have a social science counterpart to the Periodic Table of the physical sciences , which this research hopes to achieve . We argue progress can be made by research revealing patterns of human behavior in the learning process .
Another step in that direction is the use of analytics as an exploration of the paths motivated learners choose in getting their education given ample links to expand on points made in a line of reasoning in dealing with a complex adaptive system such as American Democracy . It makes a difference in the context of differentiation among items of information , knowledge , and intellect . Consider information as data , bits that have meaning when combined with other bits of similar or diverse character . When information is mixed with other information in a fashion that reveals relationships , then there is knowledge . The quality of knowledge may vary widely , but it is an input to the process by which the mind forms some opinion of outcomes given whatever paradigm is used . Currently , we are pilot testing these constructs in a college level business ethics course taught in the context that business ethics contributes too and strengthens American Democracy .
Intellect is at a higher level than the assembly of knowledge is . It comes to bear when one is able to go beyond the pattern of the discipline and integrate widely diverse knowledge to grasp a holistic view of a system beyond that of available in a single discipline . It requires a greater cerebral capacity . Increasing cerebral capacity is akin to increasing height ; it happens in a normal growth process . However , individuals naturally vary in height and cerebral capacity , and taller individuals commonly reach for items out of the unassisted grasp of shorter individuals . They also organize as in basketball teams to utilize different talents , and playmakers are important , as are rebounders . Lewis ( 2004 ) beautifully explains the differences in baseball in his book , Moneyball . The baseball manager could see how the pieces interacted rather than relying on the scouts that saw shadows on the wall .
That context was that the illusions of some provided an opportunity for others with a better understanding of reality to build a better baseball team for less money . The context for our dealing with the same fundamentals of behavioral science is to build a society closer to the ideals espoused in the Declaration of Independence . In order to do that , we turn to discussing a few aspects of injustice in the American political economy preceded by some comments on premises and perspectives .
The strategy is to leverage off those with the greater intellect , a higher cerebral capacity , higher interest , and quest for knowledge sufficient to get a better understanding of the system . The innovation is to provide an opportunity to all who care to explore the ACE site . Those who self-select as motivated learners to pursue knowledge to greater depths , revealed by the paths they choose to follow with hyperlinks may be offered mentors or coaches to assist them in