Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2017 | Page 64

Policy and Complex Systems simplicity , we call it STP . We recorded the run when RG has been reached and we call it RG .
The difference between the RG and the STP represents the advance of the STP toward the reaching of the RG .
The relative advance of STP to RG is the ratio of the STP advance on RG . It gives a number between 0 and 1 . We indicate it as STPRA ( STP relative advance ).
The Relative advance of STP on RG is an indicator , able to quantify how early the STP is on RG . We evaluated the STPRA values on a set of 81 experiments , to find if and how much this potential indicator is significant in its amount . For all experiments , we recorded the data described in table 2 .
We observed as in all 81 experiments the system reached the sustainability ( i . e . the system stopped before the time limit of 800 , so the RG is smaller than 800 ).
STP can be considered as a new qualitative monitoring indicator of reduction goal reaching . We have seen that its behavior as indicator is reliable in most cases , with an average error percentage of 7 %.
We derived the STP Relative Advance ( STPRA ) toward the overall reduction goal and we found that such advance is significant , because its value is around the 60 % in average .
Because the sustainability tipping point and the overall reduction goal are independent , this result is not trivial .