Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2017 | Page 53

Policy and Complex Systems
SAM4SN model is supplied according the ODD ( Overview , Design concepts , Detail ) protocol , the general protocol for communicating individual-based and agentbased models ( Grimm , Berger , Bastiansen , Eliassen , Ginot , Giske … DeAngelis , 2006 ; Berger , DeAngelis , Polhill , Giske , & Railsback , 2010 ). In the ODD of the SAM4SN , the list of parameters with their values is supplied . A model interface description is also supplied at the abovementioned permanent handle . See Sissa ( 2014 ) for further details .
Environmental awareness , social norms , and behavioral changes

The European Union adopted the

Energy Efficiency Directive
( DIRECTIVE 2012 / 27 / EU ) on October 2012 . The implementation of this directive , as well as other policies adopted in recent years 1 , requires a change in consumer behavior and energy consumption practices ( EEA , 2013 ). In particular the Article 12 of the above mentioned Directive focuses on “ consumer information and empowering programs ” to promote behavioral changes .
While voluntary behavioral changes usually are driven by some kind of reward , economic rewards are often not strong enough to trigger a behavioral change ( Ferraro & Price , 2013 ). Other reward mechanisms – like social recognition - may not be readily available at an individual level . Individuals are influenced by the decisions , actions , and advice of others when making a wide variety of decisions , both consciously and unconsciously . However , positive effects on the environment can only happen when an entire community adopts a responsible life style . Our purpose is to explore how environmental awareness can drive people ’ s behavior . Awareness is defined in Oxford Dictionary as “ a concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development ”, so does not coincide with information : people may have plenty of information about something without being aware of it . Awareness is an individual aptitude that is developed and shaped inside a social context . How and when does this awareness arise ? This central issue is considered in any theory of collective social behavior ( Salerno , Yang , Nau , & Chai , 2011 ). Fischer ( 2010 ) in his research has argued that participatory processes are based on psychological mechanisms like social proof or social influence , and such mechanisms are amplified in a sociotechnical ecosystem , where technology enables from passive to aware and active role of users .
Understanding situations we are involved in is the first steps toward becoming able to act . Two essential factors have been recognized : providing people with feedback on their situation and assisting them in setting goals ( Abrahamse , Steg , Vlek , & Rothengatter , 2007 ). ICTbased tools can enhance such factors ( Costabile , Dittrich , & Fischer , 2011 ). These factors can be readily adapted to the encouragement of environmentally aware lifestyles . The first factor can be stated as providing individuals with real-time access to easily information about their personal resource consumption , while the second is providing them with a way to compare their lifestyles with some environmentally aware benchmark . For example , while an app for personal carbon accounting can enable citizens to understand and manage their individual carbon footprint , real time smart meters at home can reduce household energy consumption .
2030 Energy Strategy