Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2017 | Page 40

Policy and Complex Systems
The multiphase analyses in this research suggested that , based on the methodologies , there are simple , complicated , complex , and chaotic relationships between classroom climate and student achievement in North Carolina charter schools in an urban area . This finding was supported by qualitative , quantitative , and network analyses , as well as ABM . To more fully study the research questions , a data-driven ABM was developed from the preceding data to further investigate the dynamics of classroom climate with regard to achievement . The ABM captured microlevel and macrolevel interrelating networked systems from simple to complex . The goal of the ABM was to develop a model that can account for varied charter achievement strategies in regular and advanced math classes with individual student 2012-2013 scores , classroom climate , second-semester math grades , and 2014-2015 scores as part of the prediction formula . The formula predicted classroom averages based on the random selection of data parameters previously collected . The ABM accurately predicted achievement scores within 93.6 % to 100 % for the strategies of high Teacher Support , gifted students , and IAP / tutoring / online supplemental math for regular and advanced math students ( Johnson , 2016 ). An accurate predictive tool can provide invaluable feedback for educators to be more effective and for school leaders and policymakers to utilize resources more effectively for improved benefits to students . A predictive model based on second-semester math grades , however , leaves limited time to prepare for achievement score outputs . Therefore , an emphasis should be placed on what it takes for a class to be proficient or beyond in second-semester curriculum . An emphasis should be placed on what should take place for each individual student to be proficient or beyond in second-semester achievement curriculum . The ABM in the research could be strengthened considerably by additional classroom data and yearly data for generalizability ; but , for now , it is a model that shows promise and accuracy . The ABM needs additional development to determine what other possible factors would be significant in addition to high Teacher Control and second-semester math grades , with which populations , and in which settings . Further , more observational data is needed on chaotic behaviors that disrupt a positive climate and transform it to a negative climate . This type of observational data over time could possibly contribute to lack of progress in achievement or even a major decline ( Johnson , 2016 ).
To discern charter school effectiveness as a reform strategy , Betts and Hill ( 2006 ) recommended a variety of methodologies and approaches , which were used in this research . It seems unlikely that educators will know the full story about charter schools , as a reform in North Carolina , in the immediate future because there no centralized , controlling governing body with the power to force them to participate in any research . Hence , charter school research in North Carolina will continue to be piecemeal and subject to school leadership ’ s willingness to participate in research and receive feedback ( Johnson , 2016 ).
Yet no matter how the gap problem is conceptualized , the basic behaviors over which a teacher has control are the interactions in her or his classroom . Teachers do not exercise much control over factors outside the classroom that are contribute to the achievement gap , such as societal , community , home , and school factors ( Barton & Coley , 2009 ; Kober , 2001 ). Over the decades , countless societal , community , home , and school policies