Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2017 | Page 120

Policy and Complex Systems
Osman , H ., & Nikbakht , M . ( 2014 ). A gametheoretic model for roadway performance management : A socio-technical approach . Built Environment Project and Asset Management 4 ( 1 ), 40-54 .
Pinheiro Filho , F . P ., & Sarti , F . M . ( 2012 ). Falhas de mercado e redes em políticas públicas : desafios e possibilidades ao Sistema Único de Saúde . Ciência and Saúde Coletiva 17 ( 11 ), 2981-2990 .
Rhodes , M . L ., & Murray , J . ( 2007 ). Collaborative decision making in urban regeneration : A complex adaptive systems perspective . International Public Management Journal 10 ( 1 ), 79-101 .
Scott Jr , R . J . ( 2010 ). The science of muddling through revisited . Emergence : Complexity and Organization 12 ( 1 ), 5 .
Thieler , E . R ., Pilkey Jr , O . H ., Young , R . S ., Bush , D . M ., & Chai , F . ( 2000 ). The use of mathematical models to predict beach behavior for US coastal engineering : a critical review . Journal of Coastal Research 16 ( 1 ), 48-70 .
Winz , I ., Brierley , G .,& Trowsdale , S .( 2009 ). The use of system dynamics simulation in water resources management . Water Resources Management 23 ( 7 ), 1301-1323 .
Giabbanelli , P . J ., Arah , O . A ., & Zimmerman , F . J . ( 2014 ). Impact of different policies on unhealthy dietary behaviors in an urban adult population : an agent-based simulation model . American Journal of Public Health 104 ( 7 ), 1217-1222 .
American Journal of Public Health 100 ( 7 ), 1208-1217 .
Zivkovic , S . ( 2015 ). A complexity based diagnostic tool for tackling wicked problems . Emergence : Complexity & Organization 17 ( 4 ), 1-17 .
Other Studies
Baron , J . ( 1995 ). Myside bias in thinking about abortion . Thinking and Reasoning 1 , 221 – 235 .
Chouvy , P . A . ( 2013 ). A Typology of the Unintended Consequences of Drug Crop Reduction . Journal of Drug Issues , SAGE Publications .
DFID - Department For International Development . ( 2014 ). Assessing the Strength of Evidence . Retrieved from : https :// www . gov . uk / government / uploads / system / uploads / attachment _ data / file / 291982 / HTN-strength-evidencemarch2014 . pdf
Feldman , P . H ., Nadash , P ., & Gursen , M . ( 2001 ). Improving communication between researchers and policy makers in long-term care or , researchers are from Mars ; policy makers are from Venus . The Gerontologist 41 ( 3 ), 312-321 .
Fischer , F ., Miller , G . J ., & Sidney , M . S . ( Eds .) ( 2007 ). Handbook of Policy Analysis : Theory , Politics and Methods . Boca Raton , FL : CRC Press .
Young , D ., Borland , R ., & Coghill , K . ( 2010 ). An actor-network theory analysis of policy innovation for smoke-free places : understanding change in complex systems .