Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2015 | Page 88

Policy and Complex Systems
Figure 6
Figure 7
Unfortunately , we do not always have perfect knowledge of the actual world : let us imagine that we do not have thorough knowledge of ( A ), so that the easy construction of the ABM , ( B ), is not possible . Partial knowledge is a very common situation in research ; the problems deriving from it are of different importance and nature according the aim of research . In ABMs , often they manifest themselves in the form of a mapping from many to one , i . e ., when various hypothetical micro behaviors generate the same macro regularity , or they might take the form of an excessive simplification of behaviors ( KISS [ Keep It Simple Stupid ] principle ) in order to keep the parameters ’ space and the interpretation of causal relationships feasible .
In the case of policy prescriptions , where the necessity of reproducing real-world behavior and interaction is particularly felt , the problem is quite acute .