Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2015 | Page 32

Policy and Complex Systems
Rebien , M . ( 2010 ). The use of social networks in recruiting processes from a firm perspective . IAB Discussion papers 5 / 2010 .
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Wilensky , U . ( 1999 ). NetLogo . http :// ccl . northwestern . edu / netlogo /. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling , Northwestern University ,: http :// ccl . northwestern . edu / netlogo / Evanston , IL
Wolf , S ., Bouchaud , J-F ., Cecconi , F ., Cincotti , F ., Dawid , H ., Gintis , H ., van der Hoog , S ., Jaeger , C . C ., Kovalevsky , D . M ., Mandel , A ., & Paroussos , L . ( 2010 ). Describing economic agent-based models Dahlem ABM documentation guidelines . 100th Dahlem Conference , New Approaches in Economics after the Financial Crisis , Berlin , Aug 28-31 , 2010 .
Kluve ( 2010 ), following classifications that have been suggested and used by the OECD and Eurostat , identifies four program categories : the first program type , “( labor market ) training ,” encompasses measures like classroom training , on-the-job training , and work experience . The second , “ private sector incentive programs ,” comprises all measures aimed at creating incentives to alter employer and / or worker behavior regarding private sector employment . In contrast to subsidies in the private sector , the third program type , “ direct employment programs in the public sector ,” focuses on the direct creation and provision of public works or other activities that produce public goods or services . The fourth type of program , “ services and sanctions ,” encompasses all measures aimed at enhancing job search efficiency . Moreover , regarding target groups of ALMP , “ youth programs ” comprise specific programs for disadvantaged and unemployed youth , including training programs , wage subsidies , and job search assistance . Finally , the category “ measures for the disabled ” includes vocational rehabilitation , sheltered work programs or wage subsidies for individuals with physical , mental or social disabilities .