Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2014 | Page 56

Policy and Complex Systems
�� �� low to moderate external system complexity moderate political importance
PCAT 5 policies have the following characteristics
low levels of emergence
low internal system complexity
low external system complexity
low political importance
The PCAT tool combines contemporary research into complex policy with criteria used within the defense sector for project categorization . The Policy Assessment criteria used by PCAT is detailed in Table 6 .
PCAT Scoring and Categorization Summary
Each of the four assessment criteria has multiple sections :
Internal Policy Complexity :
Delivery organization
Systems-of-systems complexity
Technical complexity
Design , implementation , and
delivery complexity
Emergence :
Strategic emergence
Organizational emergence
External Policy Complexity :
Stakeholder complexity
Maturity of policy ’ s external environment
Importance :
Strategic importance
Policy cost
Each of these sub-sections has multiple assessment questions . The PCAT Tool rates each of these questions for importance ( from zero for low importance , to 10 for high importance ). Individual governments can alter the rating of the questions .
The first step in categorizing a policy is to assess the policy by scoring each question . Each question is scored between low and high ( Refer to Figure 21 ).
The PCAT Tool calculates a score for each of the four criteria , an overall score for the policy , and categorizes the policy into one of five categories ( Refer to Figure 22 ).
9 . Integrated Policy Teams

Integrated Policy Teams is a management

methodology that integrates all activities from policy concept through to design , delivery , implementation , and emergent development , by using a multifunctional team to simultaneously optimize the policy ’ s realization and to meet cost and performance constraints . ( Refer to Figure 23 ).
The model for Integrated Teams was first developed by the U . S . military for the concurrent development of operational processes and products . 17 In dealing with complex policy systems-of-systems , integrated teams :
�� provide a structural design for bringing the multiple component policyowners and agents together to design , realize , and manage the emergent policy systems-of-systems ; operate at the steering , design , management , implementation , services delivery , compliance , technical , and functional levels ; are structured to respect the individual
D . Dombkins , Complex Project Management ( Booksurge , Amazon Group , 2007 ). 54