Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2014 | Page 103

Dissolution of a Global Alliance
Figure 3 : Dissolution of the global alliances in Syria
( a ) The figure shows schematically the original system of Syria ’ s largest religious communities in the beginning of the twentieth century . Here , the primary negative propensities are highlighted with blue while the positive propensities are marked with black . As we can see , there are several conflicting ( negative ) circles in the system . The system does not have a rational stability , a stable optimal configuration .
( b ) A system of Syrian religious communities in the 1970s under the anti-Israel state global I . The antagonistic communities , which have not come up with their own autonomy , were unified into a stable coalition based on the ethical considerations . The new cooperative propensities are highlighted with bold green .
( c ) A system of Syrian communities since 2010 . The new conflicting propensities are highlighted with bold blue . The opposition ’ s global alliance B has attracted , together with most of the Sunnis , a part of the Druze community . All the circles in the system are positive , so the global alliance splits the population into two religious stable parts .