Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Vol. 2, Issue 2, Fall 2015 | Page 12

The Freedom of Constraint : A Multilevel Simulation Model of Politics , Fertility and Economic Development
To micro agent process Ask agents update reproduction process Ask agents update three endogenous attributes End
To macro society process Ask society attributes to be updated at aggregation level Ask society update five endogenous attributes End
To evolutionary game process Ask random 50 % of the agents be source and the rest be target
Ask source agents create links to target agents within talkspan
Ask links evaluate distance between y and S to calculate probability of playing game
If probability < 0.05 [ ask link die ] Ask source agents keep the out-link with highest probability and kill other out-links
Ask target agents keep the in-link with highest probability and kill other in-links
Randomly set game value Ask both ends of a link to calculate the distance between h and probability of playing cooperate and defect
Ask both ends to choose strategy
Ask both ends calculate payoff from game value and strategies of CC / CD / DC / DD
Ask both ends to update y based on the payoff from the game
The design of the micro-agent process module incorporates system dynamics , which allows each individual agent to behave as a system . We maintain individual agent variable relationships and changes following the latest POFED literature ( Abdollahian et al ., 2010 ). These endogenously derived individual agent variables impact how economic transaction games occur , based on society variables either