Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-4inkOmslag | Page 75

Spastic co-contraction and active motor impairment Table II. Co-contraction index, net elbow extension torque during maximal voluntary contraction and clinical characteristics Participants Control group (n  = 10) Median (IQR) Brain-injured group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Median (IQR) Co-contraction index during sub-maximal elbow Net elbow extension torque (Nm) extension (%) during maximal voluntary contraction Limitation of active elbow extension (degree) Elbow flexors spasticity (Tardieu scale, 0–4) 1.7 (0.9) 27.4 (18.9) – – 4.5 2.3 2.7 6.9 3.9 4.7 2.9 1.8 48.3 13.1 4.2 (2.7)* 16.8 18.2 20.3 17.2 51.9 21.6 23.6 6.8 4.2 32.7 19.3 (6.8)* 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 45 30 0 (20) 1 2 2 1 0 2 2 3 2 0 2 (1) *Indicates a significant difference between HEMI and CONTROL groups (p  < 0.05). IQR: interquartile range. Data processing Net torque was low-pass filtered at 100  Hz with a 6th-order zero-lag Butterworth filter. EMG data were 10–400-Hz band- pass filtered (4th-order zero-lag Butterworth filter), full-wave rectified, and smoothed at 9 Hz to obtain the linear envelopes. The co-contraction index was determined as the ratio (expres- sed in percentage) between the root mean square value of the elbow flexors EMG envelopes during the sub-maximal elbow extensions and the root mean square of the same muscle during the highest maximal voluntary elbow flexion contraction (9). Statistical analysis Non-parametric analysis using Wilcoxon rank-sum test was per- formed to compare the co-contraction index and the maximal net elbow extension torque between HEMI and CONTROL groups. Non-parametric Spearman’s correlations (r s ) were performed to investigate the relationship between co-contraction index, elbow-flexor spasticity, maximal net elbow extension torque with: (i) limitation to active elbow extension, (ii) elbow-flexor spasticity, (iii) Fugl-Meyer Assessment score for the upper limb, and (iiii) Action Research Arm Test. It is notable that that there was a significant difference in age between the HEMI and CONTROL groups (Table I). However, preliminary analysis of the data showed a lack of any correlation with age (p > 0.05), enabling the results to be interpreted independently of age. RESULTS A higher co-contraction index occurred in the HEMI group compared with the CONTROL group (w 19  = 3.4, p < 0.01), with a mean difference (SD) of 7.6±12.9%. Lower net elbow extension torque during maximal vol- untary contraction was found in the HEMI compared with the CONTROL group (w 19  = –2.34, p<0.05), with a mean difference (SD) of 17.6 ± 17 Nm. Results of the Spearman’s correlations are shown in Table III. DISCUSSION This pilot study aimed to elucidate the consequences of spasticity and spastic co-contraction of elbow flexors on limitation of active elbow extension in adults with brain injury. A strong association was found between the co-contraction index and (i) the limitation of ac- tive elbow extension, (ii) the Fugl-Meyer Assessment score, and (iii) the score on Action Research Arm Test. Conversely, no significant correlation was found bet- ween spasticity and any of the variables cited above. These results are thus the first to show that spastic co-contraction primarily contributes to a deficit in active elbow extension in adults with brain injury, which occurs even in the absence of spasticity (see, for example, Table II, HEMI participants 5 and 10). These findings confirm the absence of an association between spasticity and spastic co-contraction, supporting the idea that they refer to different forms of overactivity with different underlying physiological mechanisms Table III. Spearman correlations (95% confidence interval) for HEMI participants between co-contraction index, net elbow extension torque during maximal voluntary contraction and clinical variables Limitation of active elbow extension 309 Co-contraction index during the sub-maximal elbow extension Elbow flexors spasticity Net elbow extension torque during maximal voluntary contraction 0.88** [0.59, 0.97] –0.23 [–0.72, 0.42] –0.26 [–0.74, 0.40] Elbow flexors spasticity 0.01 [–0.59, 0.60] – –0.49 [–0.92, –0.08] Fugl-Meyer Assessment score (upper limb) Action Research Arm Test –0.86** [–0.96, –0.53] 0.10 [–0.53, 0.66] –0.66* [–0.90, –0.09] 0.06 [–0.63, 0.56] 0.44 [–0.21, 0.82] 0.41 [–0.19, 0.80] *Indicates a significant correlation at p  < 0.05. **Indicates a significant correlation at p  < 0.01. J Rehabil Med 51, 2019