Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-4inkOmslag | Page 27

Short assessment for upper extremity after stroke 261 trials. These time-points were based on what is known about the neural repair process and the measurements tools were identified through existing recommen- dations. The SRRR recommended using the FMA-UE and ARAT as assessment for impairment and activity limitation, respectively. The assessments should, according to the SRRR, be performed within 7 days after stroke onset and fol- lowed up at set time-points until at least 3 months post-stroke. Both FMA-UE and ARAT are, however, rarely used in acute settings since they are considered to be time consuming, require training Fig. 3. Proportion of patients showing positive, negative or no changes in assessment scores between the 3 time-points. ARAT-2: short version of Action Research Arm Test; and as in case of ARAT require spe- ARAT: Action Research Arm Test; FMA-UE: Fugl-Meyer Assessment for Upper Extremity. cial equipment (26, 35). Similarly to our study, there have been other suggestions The ARAT-2 and the ARAT both showed a floor ef- for shorter tests. A short version of the fect at 3 days (both 38%), 10 days (31% and 30%) and FMA-UE (S-FM), including 6 items, showed good 4 weeks (both 24%) post-stroke (Table II). No floor concurrent validity with the original FMA-UE (≥ 0.93) effect was observed in the FMA-UE, but similarly to at subacute and chronic stages after stroke (35). The ARAT-2 and ARAT, the floor effect was also present responsiveness of the S-FM was, however, moderate in the FMA-UE without reflex items at 3 days (35%) and should be interpreted with caution, as the calcula- and 10 days (27%), but not at 4 weeks (12%) post- tions did not take into account the ordinal nature of stroke. There was a ceiling effect detected for ARAT-2 the data (35). at 10 days (22%) and 4 weeks (32%) in contrast to ARAT-2 is a short assessment and, according to the the ARAT that showed a small ceiling effect only at present study, suitable for use in stroke units early after 4 weeks (21%). The FMA-UE and FMA-UE without stroke. The ARAT-2 consists of items that require some reflex did not show any ceiling effect within the first shoulder abduction and finger extension, which are 4 weeks post-stroke. important early signs to predict UE activity capacity at 6 months post-stroke (36). A previous study has also shown that ARAT-2 predicts well the expected DISCUSSION UE function required for use of the affected arm when drinking from a glass at later time-points (21). This study investigated the concurrent validity, re- For example, the ARAT-2 score of 2 or more points, sponsiveness, floor and ceiling effects of the ARAT-2 assessed at 3 days post-stroke, have showed a high in comparison with the original ARAT and the FMA- probability for prediction of arm function at 10 days as UE within the first 4 weeks after stroke onset. The well as at 12 months post-stroke (21). Similarly to other ARAT-2 showed a strong correlation with the original clinical scales the accuracy for prediction of long-term ARAT and FMA-UE and was, similarly to other scales, outcome for those with no or very little initial arm and sensitive to change between all tested time-points, (3 hand function was less precise (21). The results of the days, 10 days, and 4 weeks, respectively) post-stroke. current study are, however, promising and suggest that The ARAT-2 had similar floor effect compared with a shorter version of an established clinical scale might the ARAT at all time-points, but showed a ceiling be useful in the clinical acute settings after stroke. effect already at 10 days post-stroke, compared with The present study showed that ARAT-2 and ARAT ARAT, which showed a ceiling effect first at 4 weeks both showed a floor effect up to 4 weeks post-stroke. post-stroke. Similarly to our results, previous studies have reported In order to improve the research methodology a floor effect of the ARAT at 2 weeks post-stroke (26, of rehabilitation and recovery trials after stroke, an 37). The floor effect in our sample was also detected international consensus group, the Stroke Recovery for the pure motor FMA-UE without reflexes at 3 and and Rehabilitation Roundtable (SRRR), developed 10 days, but not at 4 weeks post-stroke. On the other recommendations for standardized assessment (34). hand, the FMA-UE including the reflex items showed The SRRR lists the time-points and measurements that no floor and ceiling effect during the first 4 weeks should be included in stroke rehabilitation and recovery J Rehabil Med 51, 2019