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bursal-side partial thickness incomplete tear of the su- praspinatus tendon” or “’hydrodissection of the median nerve from the flexor retinaculum using the ulnar-side in-plane approach”, respectively (Video 3 1 ). In short, for US-guided interventions, we need to clarify the exact lesion, the precise target and the prompt injectate and technique (10). This raises the question of whether we will still use the same (or a new) language after US has been widely welcomed into PRM. REFERENCES 1. Imamura M, Özçakar L, Fregni F, Hsing WT, Battistella LR. Exploring a long-term global approach for musculoskeletal ultrasound training: WORLD-MUSCULUS. J Rehabil Med 2012; 44: 991–992. 2. Akkaya N, Ulaşli AM, Özçakar L. Use of musculoskeletal ultrasound in clinical studies in physiatry: the “stetho- scope” is also becoming the “pen”. J Rehabil Med 2013; 45: 701–702. 3. Malas FU, Kara M, Kaymak B, Akıncı A, Özçakar L. Ultraso- nographic evaluation in symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: clinical and radiological correlation. Int J Rheum Dis 2014; 17: 536–540. 4. Tok F, Özçakar L, Safaz İ, Alaca R. Effects of botulinum toxin-A on the muscle architecture of stroke patients: an ultrasonographic study. J Rehabil Med 2011; 43: 1016–1019. 235 5. Ulug N, Yilmaz OT, Kara M, Özçakar L. Effects of pilates and yoga in patients with chronic neck pain: a sonographic study. J Rehabil Med 2018; 50: 80–85. 6. Ata AM, Onat ŞŞ, Özçakar L. Ultrasound imaging for di- agnosis and follow-up of persistent median artery throm- bosis. Muscle Nerve 2016; 53:152–154. 7. Dughbaj M, Shehab D, Özçakar L. Dynamic ultrasound imaging for quadriceps tendon impingement in a patient with anterior knee pain. Pain Med 2017; 18: 2047–2048. 8. Özçakar L, Ata AM, Kaymak B, Evans S, Kara M. One step further in ‘sono-palpation’ during ultrasound imaging: ‘Self-palpation’. Pain Med 2018; 19: 411. 9. Özçakar L, Onat ŞŞ, Gürçay E, Kara M. Are blind injections ethical or historical? Think twice with ultrasound imaging. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2016; 95: 158–160. 10. Gürçay E, Ata AM, Özçakar L. Ultrasound-guided plan- tar fascia injections: where are you putting the gas or steroids? Pain Med 2018 2018 Oct 4. doi: 10.1093/pm/ pny190. [Epub ahead of print].  Accepted Jan 30, 2019; Epub ahead of print Feb 15, 2019 Levent Özçakar, MD 1 and Vincenzo Ricci, MD 2 From the Hacettepe University Medical School, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ankara, Turkey and 2 IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Department of Biome- dical and Neuromotor Science, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Unit, Bologna, Italy E-mail: [email protected] 1 Letter to the Editor J Rehabil Med 51, 2019