Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-3 | Page 39

Predictors of chronic pain area corresponds to 1 pain site; hence, the maximum number of pain sites was 45. Based on these 45 pain sites, 23 anatomical regions were determined and a total pain index, ranging from 0 to 23, was considered (22). Using a slightly modified definition developed by MacFarlane et al. (33), widespread pain (WSP) was defined as pain in at least 2 sections in 2 contralateral limbs and the axial skeleton and marked equally on the front and back of the chart. MacFarlane et al. defined WSP in the limbs to be present “if there are at least 2 painful sections (in 2 contralateral limbs)”, a definition that does not require pain to be marked equally on the front and back of the chart (33). Therefore, the current study uses a stricter definition of WSP than the American College of Rheumatology criteria (34). In ad- dition to WSP, the following categories were defined: 1: No pain (NP) if the participants reported zero anatomical sites with pain (i.e. pain index = 0) and answered “no” to the question “Do you frequently (‘usually’) have pain lasting more than 3 months?” and did not report on pain intensity above (this group served as the reference; category = 0); 2: Local pain (LP) if the partici- pants reported 1–2 anatomical sites; 3: Regional Pain-Medium (RP-Medium) if the participants reported 3–6 anatomical sites with pain; and 4: Regional Pain-Heavy (RP-Heavy) if the participants reported 7–17 anatomical pain sites with pain, but which did not fulfil the WSP criteria. WSP, a common clinical entity, depends both on the number of pain sites and their spatial distribution. As discussed elsewhere (14), a minority of subjects with RP-Heavy could have a higher number of pain sites than some of the subjects with WSP (14); however, in this study the 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for the number of pain sites clearly differed between RP-Heavy and WSP (Table SI 1 ). Pain sensitivity. Pain sensitivity was assessed by all participants using the Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire (PSQ), which consists of 17 items that each describe a daily life situation (35). The PSQ asks all participants to rate how intense pain in each situa- tion would be for them on an NRS (ranging from 0 = not painful at all to 10 = worst pain imaginable). Whereas 14 of the items relate to situations that are assessed as painful by a majority of healthy subjects, 3 items describe situations that are usually not rated as painful (e.g. taking a warm shower). These 3 items are interspersed between the items to serve as non-painful sensory reference for the individuals and were not considered when calculating the final score. The items cover a range of pain in- tensities, a variety of pain types (e.g. hot, cold, sharp, and blunt), and body sites (head, upper extremity, and lower extremity). The mean of the 14 items mentioned above (relate to situations that are assessed as painful by most healthy subjects) was calculated (range 0–10). In this study, we used the Swedish adaptation of the PSQ (22). The Cronbach’s alpha was 0.93 (22). However, the Swedish version of the PSQ has so far not been validated. Since reliability, content, structural validity, and hypothesis testing regarding (36) the PSQ were quite consistently good across 3 investigated languages and cultures (35, 37, 38), there is good reason to believe the same for the Swedish version. Data analysis All statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statis- tics (version 23.0; IBM Inc., New York, USA). The sampling weights for unequal possibilities of sample selection have been reported elsewhere (14) Two-sided statistical tests were used and p < 0.05 was regarded as significant. Distributions and de- scriptive statistics were examined for all variables for the total 1 185 sample at T0 and T1. Means and standard deviations (SDs) were calculated for continuous variables, and frequencies with percentages (n; %) were calculated for categorical variables. The prospective 2-year follow-up analysis of each pain out- come (i.e. pain intensity, spread and sensitivity) was performed through a series of generalized linear models (GLM) used as prediction models with baseline variables as predictors. GLM is a flexible generalization of ordinary linear regression analyses that allow for response variables that have error distribution models other than a normal distribution (39). In the case of pain intensity and pain sensitivity, which served as linear-response data, the identity link function was used with maximum likeli- hood estimation (MLE) and results are presented as parameter estimates (B) with Wald 95% CIs. In the case of the outcome of the pain spreading categories, which served as an ordinal response variable, the ordinal logit function was used, yielding odds ratios (OR) and Wald 95% CIs. The significance of the estimated effects in all GLM analyses was evaluated using the Wald test (39). For analytical purposes in the prediction models, the categorical variables were dichotomized and entered as follows: sex (female = 1), country of birth (abroad = 1) citizen- ship (other = 1), marital status (married = 1), educational level (university, i.e. higher education=1), employment status (unem- ployment = 1), and existence of a certain comorbidity (yes = 1). To determine the variables to include in the multivariable model, separate univariable analyses were performed with each independent variable 1 at a time (single predictor model). Only variables with p < 0.20 in the single model were included in the multivariable model. Next, we examined for multicollinearity between the significant independent variables as derived by univariable analyses by performing linear regression and by examining tolerance and the variance inflation factor (VIF). A tolerance of less than 0.20 or 0.10 and/or a VIF of 5 or 10 and above indicates a multicollinearity problem (40). In the case of multicollinearity, we also performed Pearson correlation (r) analysis to test for bivariate correlations between the continu- ous variables and phi coefficient (41), a measure of association between the binary variables. High bivariate correlation coeffi- cients ≤ 0.7 or phi (Φ) ≤ 0.3 (39, 40) indicate risk of collinearity; in that case, only 1 of the 2 highly correlated variables were included. Hence, citizenship as well as anxiety were excluded from all multivariable models due to high correlation with birth country (Φ = 0.45) and depression (Φ = 0.70), respectively. After exclusion of the above variables, tolerance and variance inflation revealed that there was no serious indication of multicollinearity. Birth country and depression were kept in the model as they exhibited more pronounced parameter estimates in univariable analysis than citizenship and anxiety. Two multivariable prediction models are presented. In model 1, all selected baseline (T0) variables according to the p-value criteria of p < 0.20 with respect to the single predictor model (with exception of highly correlated variables) were included in 1 mul- tivariable model. In model 2, all variables from the multivariable model 1 along with the 3 pain characteristics for each outcome of interest were simultaneously controlled for. Hence, pain intensity, spread of pain and sensitivity at T0 were entered in the multiva- riable model 2, and only complete cases were included. These 2 models address different, but interrelated questions: 1: Which socio-demographic features and comorbidities at baseline (T0) predict pain at follow-up (T1)? And: 2: How do these predictive associations change when differences in pain present already at baseline are adjusted for? Model 1 thus provides estimates of cumulative associations with pain, whereas the adjustment for pain at baseline in model 2 implies that associations with changes in pain occurring during follow-up are estimated. J Rehabil Med 51, 2019