Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-3 | Page 36

L. Aasdahl et al. association between changes in FABQ and future work participation was found. Participants with decreasing fear-avoidance beliefs had more work-participation days than those with consistently high or increasing fear-avoidance beliefs. Those with consistently low fear-avoidance beliefs had the most working days. The association was stronger for the work subscale than for the physical activity subscale. The results indicate that using a cut-off between low-risk and medium/high-risk patients could be useful in clinical practice to predict work participation. A novel finding is that baseline scores for the FABQ were associated with future work participation for participants with psychological diag- noses, indicating that this questionnaire might be useful to patient groups other than those with low-back pain, although further research is needed to substantiate this. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank project co-worker Guri Helmersen for va- luable assistance, Tryggve Skylstad at the Norwegian Welfare and Labor Service for providing lists of sick-listed individuals, and Ola Thune at the Norwegian Welfare and Labor Service for providing sick leave data and insight to the National Social Security System Registry. We also thank clinicians and staff at Hysnes Rehabilitation Center and the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at St Olavs Hospital, and the par- ticipants who took part in the study. Funding. The Liaison Committee between the Central Nor- way Regional Health Authority and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology; The Research Council of Norway; and allocated government funding through the Central Norway Regional Health Authority. REFERENCES 1. Bültmann U, Brouwer S. Individual-level psychosocial factors and work disability prevention. Handbook of work disability. New York: Springer; 2013, p. 149–162. 2. 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