Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-2 | Page 54

Comparison of Italian- and German-speaking patients with chronic pain Sample 1 Sample 2 Baseline to 1 (T1), 3 (T2) and 6 month (T3) follow-up Baseline to 1 (T1) and 12 month (T4) follow-up German-speaking patients Inclusion from January 2001 – November 2005 n=255 Italian-speaking patients Inclusion from January 2001 – November 2005 n=53 German-speaking patients Inclusion from January 2006 – April 2009 n=165 Italian-speaking patients Inclusion from January 2006 – November 2014 n=119 Exclusion n=39 • Written language skills n=31 • Other reasons n=8 Exclusion n=9 • Written language skills n=1(Portuguese) • Other reasons n=8 Exclusion n=35 • Written language skills n=32 • Other reasons n=3 Exclusion n=19 • Written language skills n=7(Portuguese) • Compliance n=3 • Other reasons n=9 Drop out n=80 • Premature discharge n=3 • Compliance n=77 Drop out n=9 Premature discharge n=1 Compliance n=8 Drop out n=67 • Premature discharge n=9 • Compliance n=57 Drop out n=39 • Premature discharge n=4 • Compliance n=35 Complete data included in analysis n=136 Complete data included in analysis n=35 Complete data included in analysis n=63 129 Complete data included in analysis n=61 Fig. 1. Flow chart of study participants. capacity of 6 patients per treatment group in the ZISP. Only one group of patients was treated at a time. Twice a year, the programme was held in Italian for the ISP. This means that 2 groups with ISP and 10 groups with GSP were treated per year. This resulted in an unbalanced number of patients included in sample 1 with the same observation duration (Fig. 1). In order to obtain almost equal numbers of patients, different observation periods were chosen in sample 2. Measures Sociodemographic and potentially confounding parameters, such as age, sex, occupation, living conditions, sports, and formal education, were recorded at admission to the clinic on a standardized form used previously in many studies (6). Co- morbidities were retrieved from the medical history. The SF-36 comprehensively measures the dimensions of quality of life, physical, mental and psychosocial health (21). This instrument contains 36 items in 8 health domains: bodily pain, physical functioning, role physical, general health, vita- lity, social functioning, role emotional, and mental health. It is a commonly used measurement for the self-assessment of health-related quality of life in chronic pain diseases, such as fibromyalgia (22). It has already been used to assess the efficacy of interventions in rheumatology, physiotherapy, drug treatment, tai chi and many others (22). The validated German version was used for the GSP (23). In sample 1, version 1 (21) was used and in sample 2, version 2 (20). For the ISP, the validated Italian version was used (24). Analysis Patients from sample 1 were assessed at baseline (T=0), discharge (T1; short-term), i.e. 4 weeks after entry, 3 months after entry (T2; mid-term), and 6 months after entry (T3; mid- term). Patients from sample 2 were assessed at baseline (T=0), discharge (T1; short-term), i.e. 4 weeks after entry, and 12 months after entry (T4; mid-term). SF-36 scores were transformed into scales ranging from 0 (“maximal symptoms or limitation”) to 100 (“no symptoms or limitation”) to ease comparison of the descriptive data (25). The specific “missing rules” of the instrument had to be fulfilled for determination of the scales. This means that at least 50% of the items had to be completed for each of the SF-36 scales (25). Sociodemographic and disease-relevant frequency data were compared by the χ 2 test and continuous data by the non- parametric Wilcoxon test. Changes on the SF-36 scales between baseline and follow-up were quantified by multivariate stan- dardized mean differences (SMD) (26). For each SF-36 score, stepwise multivariate linear regression was used to model the individual score changes (baseline to follow-up) as dependent variables. The same independent variables were used for all scales in both samples: group allocation (1=GSP, 0=ISP), ba- seline score, and sex and education (27). The last 3 variables are well-known as potential confounders for the score changes between baseline and follow-up. The number of confounders is limited by the number of patients in the smallest group/10 (28). The coefficient/slope of the group allocation variable was then equal to the adjusted score difference and was used to calculate the multivariate SMDs (26). The SMD equals the difference of the mean score changes (baseline to follow-up) between the 2 groups (GSP and ISP) divided by the pooled standard deviation of the score changes (baseline to follow-up) of the 2 compared groups (26). The pooled variance equals the mean of the 2 score change varian- ces, which is weighted by the number of patients. Intervals for 95% confidence (95% CI) for the SMD and t-test based type I errors (p) for testing SMD > 0.00 (zero outside of the 95% CI) J Rehabil Med 51, 2019