Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-2 | Page 39

114 A. Piira et al. more effective than a later start. In spite of methodo- logical differences, there seems to be consensus that early gait training in motor incomplete SCI improves over-ground walking independently of the training method (15). This also seems to hold true for patients with chronic incomplete SCI (> 1 year post-injury) (7). Uncertainty exists, however, as to whether patients with incomplete SCI with more severe functional deficit also benefit from such training, because patients without walking function before training are frequently unable to walk independently after intervention (5, 6, 13). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects on physical function of BWSLT with manual assistance compared with usual care, in subjects with chronic incomplete SCI (2+ years post-injury) and severely reduced or no gait function, classified by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impair- ment Scale (AIS) as grade C–D (16). METHODS A single-blinded RCT was conducted in collaboration with the 3 Norwegian SCI rehabilitation units in order to investigate the effect of BWSLT with manual assistance in subjects with incomplete SCI who lived outside the Norwegian capital Oslo (where another study was recruiting SCI subjects). Fig. 1 shows patient flow through recruitment, assessment, intervention and follow-up. Training protocol Subjects in the control group received usual care from their local physical therapist. Physical therapy sessions varied in frequency and, for some, included merely passive movement of the joints in the lower extremities and stretching, whereas more than 50% of subjects also had some sessions with over- ground gait training and independent training in the gym. Their daily activities and training were recorded in a diary that was submitted monthly, and subjects received follow-up telephone calls and were advised not to change their training programme/ leisure-time physical activities during the study. A treadmill with body-weight support system (Vigor Equip- ment, Inc., Stevensville, MI, USA) was used for 60 days train- ing, with 2 daily sessions of BWSLT with manual assistance for a total of 90 min per day, 5 days per week during 3 periods, each of 4 weeks. The duration of each training session depended on each subject’s endurance, ability to maintain correct move- ments in the lower extremities and ability to maintain normal walking rhythm. The aim was to reduce the body-weight sup- port to < 40% and/or increase walking speed towards normal (3–5 km/h). Lower-limb braces or orthoses were not allowed during BWSLT, and there was minimal use of handrails for support. A mirror placed in front of the subject provided visual feedback during training. Each training session involved a team of 3–5 persons to facilitate movements of the pelvis and legs. Subjects received soft-tissue mobilization/stretching before and after each session to prepare for training and reduce spasticity. BWSLT also included over-ground training. The subjects were given home exercises for use between the training periods, selected to improve carry-over of learned skills from treadmill to the community environment. Data from each training session were recorded in an Excel file. Recruitment and consent Subjects were recruited from the 3 SCI units in Norway through advertisements in national magazines for persons with SCI. The Regional Committee of Ethics (REK) in North Norway approved the study (P REK NORD 69/2008) (ClinicalTrials. gov identifier #NCT00854555). All potential study subjects gave their written informed consent before final evaluation for inclusion. The inclusion criteria were age 18–70 years and motor incomplete SCI classified as AIS C–D, with a minimum of 2 years since injury. Subjects should primarily be wheelchair dependent with or without some walking ability, have body mass index (BMI) < 30, be cognitively unaffected and motivated for locomotor training. Exclusion criteria included spasticity and contractures that inhibited locomotor training, known osteo- porosis in the lower limbs, pregnancy, participation in other intensive training programmes, medical conditions that might interfere with the training protocol, and previous knee or hip replacement. Subjects were encouraged not to change their anti-spasticity medication during the study period. Setting Assessments before and after the intervention or control period were conducted single blindly at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hos- pital outside Oslo. The in-patient intervention site was North- Norway Rehabilitation Center, Tromsø. Randomization was concealed. Allocation to intervention (I) or control (C) groups was performed by the sealed envelope method, in blocks of 10. The project coordinator prepared the sealed envelopes and a staff member, who was not involved with the study, selected an envelope for each subject and informed the project coordinator on the allocation. Outcome measures Evaluation and testing were carried out prior to randomization, within the last month before start of the intervention/control period. Post-evaluation took place 2–4 weeks after the final intervention/control week. The assessors (physicians and phy- sical therapists) were blinded to each subject’s group allocation. All primary outcome measures used are common in neurolo- gical and SCI rehabilitation: (i) change in over-ground walking speed; (ii) distance walked with use of necessary walking aids; and (iii) lower extremity motor score (LEMS), a subscale in the ASIA classification that assesses muscle strength. The score range is 0–5 for each of 5 key muscles (hip flexors, knee extensors, ankle dorsi-flexors, long toe extensors and ankle plantar flexors) of each leg, with maximum score of 50 (16). Walking speed was assessed with the 10-m walk test (10MWT), where subjects are asked to walk 10 m as fast as possible with a flying start (17). The mean time of 2 tests was recorded. En- durance was measured by the 6-min walk test (6MWT), where the distance walked within 6 min is measured (17). Secondary outcomes were change in balance and aerobic capacity. Berg’s balance scale (BBS) was used for dynamic balance test, and the Modified Functional Reach test (MFR) for postural control. The quality of performance on each of the 14 tests is recorded using a 4-point scale (maximum score 56 points) (18, 19). Higher scores indicate better balance. The MFR assesses postural control in the sitting position in subjects