Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-1CompleteIssue | Page 59

56 M. Banky et al. version 1.8.0 (NaturalPoint, Inc., Corvallis, OR, USA) was used to capture the data and label the markers. Data was then exported into a customised programme designed for this pro- ject using LabVIEW 2014 (National Instruments, Austin, TX USA) software. This software enabled the start- and end-point of the trial to be selected and was able to quantify joint angles and the velocity of movement using trigonometry. The testing velocity was quantified using joint angular velocity in degrees per second. Once saved, the peak angular velocity, joint start angle, joint end angle and total ROM for each joint movement was exported into a database to be used for analysis. Statistical analysis To assess absolute inter-rater variability, the mean absolute differences (MADs) between any 2 measurements of joint start angle, joint end angle, total ROM and peak testing velocity which were obtained by the different assessors were calculated. To assess absolute intra-rater variability, the MADs between any 2 measurements of joint start angle, joint end angle, total ROM and peak testing velocity which were obtained by the same as- sessor were calculated (24). Hence, all estimates of the MADs were expressed in the same units as the measurement-of-interest. To compute 95% confidence interval (95% CI) for all MADs, a percentile bootstrapping technique over 500 iterations was used (25). All inter- and intra-rater variability analyses were done in R, version 3.4.4 (R Foundation, Vienna, Austria), using the functions written by Zhouwen Liu (available at http://biostat. In addition, the MAD expressed as a percentage difference of the mean variable value was calculated for each muscle group for the primary testing parameter, peak testing velocity. This enabled further reporting of the variability in testing speeds between muscle groups. The MAD expressed as a percentage difference of the mean variable value was not calculated for joint angles, as each muscle group had a distinctly different start- and end-point, which did not enable comparison. For example, if the gastrocnemius has a mean end angle of 10° dorsiflexion and a MAD of 5°, the MAD would correspond 50% of the mean variable value. Whereas, if the quadriceps also had a MAD of 5°, but a mean end angle of 130° knee flexion, the MAD would correspond to only 3.8% of the mean variable value. As such, the percentages for joint angles would not be representative of true variability when comparing the muscle groups. Table II. Participant demographics Patients (n  = 35) Diagnosis, n Stroke Traumatic brain injury Central nervous system tumour Multiple sclerosis Cerebro-vasculitis Age, years mean (range) Sex, n Male Female Height, cm, mean (SD) Weight, kg, mean (SD) Lower limb assessed, n Left Right Months since diagnosis, mean (range) 15 13 4 2 1 51.2 (19–85) 22 13 169.8 (9.3) 79.4 (13.76) 18 17 69.9 (1–380) remaining 4 assessors reported using the MAS as their most frequently used clinical scale of spasticity. Inter-rater and intra-rater variability Table III outlines the mean value across all 35 par- ticipants, the MADs with 95% CIs and the MAD as a percentage of the mean variable value for each muscle group, testing speed (V1 and V3) and testing parameter (start angle, end angle, total ROM and peak testing velocity) as a measure of both intra-rater and inter-rater variability. Variability of testing velocity. For all measurements the inter-rater MAD was greater than the intra-rater MAD. These results (Table III) highlight the large variability in V3 testing velocity across a cohort of experienced assessors, especially at the ankle joint. However, as clinical decision-making is primarily based on the results of the V3 trials, the V1 results do not have the same degree of clinical importance as the V3 findings. Group 1: Patients with a neurological condition. Table II outlines the demographics of the 35 patients with a neurological condition who were recruited to partici- pate in this study. Variability of joint end angle. Joint end angle during V3 represented the R1 value, or the angle of muscle reaction when the affected limb was moved “as fast as possible”. As this is an important component of a clinical spasticity assessment it was considered the focus of the secondary aim. Similar to peak testing velocity, the inter-rater variability was higher than the intra-rater variability across all 5 muscle groups for joint end angle. Group 2: Experienced assessors. Thirty-four ex- perienced assessors were recruited, including re- habilitation physiotherapists (n = 26), rehabilitation consultants (n = 5), acute physiotherapists (n = 2) and a rehabilitation registrar (n = 1). The assessors had a mean of 14.3 (range 4–40) years of experience. Thirty assessors reported the Tardieu Scale or MTS as their most frequently used clinical scale of spasticity. The Variability of joint start angle. When analysing joint start angle, results were similar for both the V1 and V3 trials. Unlike testing velocity and joint end angle, there was only a small difference between inter- and intra-rater variability for gastrocnemius, soleus and quadriceps trials. However, the hamstrings trials at both 40° and 90° hip flexion demonstrated a similar pattern to testing velocity and end angle, with the inter- RESULTS Demographics