Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-1CompleteIssue | Page 58

Reliability of spasticity assessment strength, the weight or size of the patient limb being tested and the properties of the individual muscle. Ve- locity is a key component of the definition of spasticity, and the recommended instruction is to move the limb “as fast as possible” during the V3 (fast) component of the assessment. There is no defined or recommended testing speed when testing the major lower-limb muscles, and the most appropriate testing speed during a V3 move- ment is unknown. The variability surrounding testing speed is also currently unknown, so it seems reasonable to suggest that further research needs to be conducted to investigate the variability of testing velocity using the MTS. The primary aim of this study was therefore to establish the inter- and intra-rater variability of the V3 peak testing velocity when assessing for lower limb spasticity using the MTS in adults who have an acquired brain injury. The secondary aim was to establish the inter- and intra-rater variability of the joint start ang- les, end angles and total range of motion (ROM) at V1 (slow) and V3, as well as the V1 peak testing velocity when assessing for lower limb spasticity using the MTS. METHODS This study was approved by the Epworth HealthCare Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC 681-15) and the University of Sunshine Coast HREC (S/17/1011). All participants provided written informed consent prior to assessment. Participants Two groups were recruited to participate in this study: (i) adults with an acquired brain injury or neurological condition; and (ii) clinicians experienced in the assessment of lower limb spasticity. Group 1: Patients with a neurological condition. A convenience sample of 35 individuals with a neurological condition was re- cruited to participate in this study. This exceeds the sample size used in previously published studies examining the reliability of other components of the MTS (17, 19–22). Each participant attended a single assessment session, lasting approximately 1.5 h. The inclusion criteria were: (i) diagnosed with a neuro- logical condition, (ii) identified by their treating therapist or rehabilitation consultant as having 2 confirming features of the upper-motor neurological syndrome (radiological or clinical), (iii) attending physiotherapy for mobility deficits related to their neurological condition, (iv) able to have the MTS completed on their affected lower limb, and (v) adults (> 18 years of age) who were able to provide informed consent. The exclusion criteria were concurrent diagnosis of a congenital neurological or peripheral nervous system condition. Group 2: Clinicians experienced in spasticity assessment. Physiotherapists, rehabilitation consultants and rehabilitation registrars were recruited as assessors from a range of healthcare networks. The assessors were eligible for inclusion if they had at least 3 years’ experience in neurological clinical practice and regularly assessed and treated spasticity within their clinical practice. Each assessor attended an assessment session lasting 4–6 h. Assessors were asked to complete the assessment protocol on 2, 3 or 4 participants pending their availability. This figure 55 was chosen in consultation with a biostatistician and enabled a large, representative group of assessors to be recruited. It was planned that assessors were available to complete a minimum of 3 patient assessments. However, the option of 2 was included to enable the recruitment of several highly-specialised clinicians who were unable to commit to 6 h of testing. Data collection The MTS involves stretching the relevant muscle through its entire ROM at a slow velocity (V1) and then a fast velocity (V3) (18, 23). The end angle during the V1 movement, or full passive ROM, is referred to as R2 and the angle of muscle reac- tion during the V3 movement is referred to as R1. The spasticity angle refers to the difference between R2 and R1, with a larger spasticity angle indicating a larger degree of velocity dependent spasticity (23). A 5-point scale (see Appendix I) is used to rate the type of muscle reaction (X value) which occurs during the V3 movement, ranging from no resistance through to infatigua- ble clonus. The MTS was completed on the more affected lower limb of each participant for the gastrocnemius (supine, leg ex- tended), soleus (supine, hip and knee flexed to 90°), hamstrings at 40° hip flexion (supine, full knee flexion), hamstrings at 90° hip flexion (supine, full knee flexion) and quadriceps (prone, leg extended) using standardized testing positions (20, 23). Three V1 and 3 V3 trials were performed for each muscle group by 3 different assessors on each participant, totalling 90 trials per participant (i.e. 3 slow movements and 3 fast movements per assessor for each of the 5 muscle groups tested). Participants were asked to remain relaxed throughout the assessment and the following instructions were provided to the assessors: • R2: the assessor was asked to move the joint slowly through its full available ROM. • R1: the assessor was asked to move the joint through its full available ROM as quickly as possible. Assessors were instructed to stop at the “point of muscle reaction” during V3. Therefore, R1 reflected the angle of muscle reaction during the V3 movement. No further guidance regarding velocity of assessment was provided. The assessors were blinded to each other’s assessment to avoid adjustment of testing velocity or joint position based on observing other assessor’s movements. The order of the 3 as- sessors was randomized for each of the muscle groups tested for each participant to minimise any bias caused by repeated stretching applied by the same therapist. For each trial, the relevant movement was recorded using a 13-camera 3-dimensional motion analysis (3DMA) system, Optitrack. This system uses small, light-reflective markers which are monitored at a speed of 120 Hz to accurately record joint movement. For each muscle group the markers were placed on specific anatomical landmarks of the lower limb which have been outlined in Table I. Motive Body software, Table I. Anatomical landmarks for marker placement Label Landmark Trials to be used for GT ADD MKNE LKNE MMAL LMAL MCALC MTH1 Greater trochanter Proximal adductor Medial epicondyle of knee Lateral epicondyle of knee Medial malleolus Lateral malleolus Medial calcaneus Metatarsal head 1 Quadriceps Hamstrings Gastrocnemius, Quadriceps Gastrocnemius, Quadriceps Gastrocnemius, Gastrocnemius, soleus, hamstrings soleus, hamstrings soleus soleus J Rehabil Med 51, 2019