Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-1CompleteIssue | Page 4

J Rehabil Med 2019; 51: 1 JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE NOW ONLY DIGITAL Dear readers, As you may have noticed, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (JRM) has been modernized over the last two years, with a new layout, text and cover layout. All articles now include lay abstracts, and the home page is constantly updated. A new journal, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine – Clinical Communications (JRM-CC) has been started to support clinicians to pu- blish interesting material that usually is not accepted in research journals, but is nevertheless of interest to clini- cians, students and therapists. It is an online journal with special focus on short communications, clinical cases, commentaries, letters and special reports. We are pleased to announce that an increasing number of articles are now submitted and published in JRM-CC. The most important step for JRM was taken on 1 st of January 2017, when the journal introduced imme- diate and total open access. As explained in an earlier editorial, the printed version would be retained for a transition period. Now it is time to take the next step; from 1 st of Janu- ary 2019 we will no longer publish the printed version. In terms of indexing, there are two options to consider: to publish the articles as they are accepted, or to follow the model of the printed version, i.e. to collect them in monthly issues. We have decided to continue with monthly issues, with articles being published on our website and also distributed to PubMed as ”Early view articles” as soon as they are accepted, and thereafter they will be published in monthly issues and indexed with volume and page numbers in consecutive order. JRM-CC, on the other hand, will publish articles as soon as they are accepted and the articles will immedia- tely be indexed with volume and a unique identification number and pagination starting with 1 in all articles. This means that for both journals all articles will be fully available on our website from the day they are fully accepted and approved by the authors. Some readers might miss having the printed version of JRM; however, the monthly issues could still be printed out in colour and read as before. Without the help from our editors and reviewers we would not be able to keep the high quality in our journal and will take this opportunity to sincerely thank them all. We also wish all readers, authors, editors, and reviewers all the best for 2019. JRM–CC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE – CLINICAL COMMUNICATIONS The online journal for Short communications, Clinical cases, Commentaries, Letters and Special reports, etc. An International N on - profit Journal Imm e diate O p en Acc ess JRM–CC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE CLINICA L COMMUNICATIONS Stockholm and Rotterdam December 2018 Kristian Borg and Henk Stam EDITORIAL This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license. Journal Compilation © 2019 Foundation of Rehabilitation Information. ISSN 1650-1977 doi: 10.2340/16501977-2512