JOB SHADOWING SLOVAKIA Joan roselló | Page 8

Global Education and European Teaching Strategies 2018-1-ES01-KA101-049441 10:00 4th year Biology (French) Theory class. Less than 50% of the lecture is in French. Although the teacher has elaborated the class materials in French and she dictates notes in L2, she keeps translating everything she says into Slovak. Whenever there’s a discussion with students, it is also in Slovak. This class will have a practical session in the laboratory, which is going to be on the following week, so we are unable to observe. The teacher claims that the lab sessions are always conducted only in French, but so should the theory lectures. Students are unable to understand “laquelle des bactéries tolère le milieu acide de l'estomac et cause des problémes digestives?” so she has to translate it. The teacher is very fluent in French, she is proficient and highly competent. When the lecture finishes, we speak to the students and they are able to speak French with high proficiency. Students tell us that they are doing the same syllabus that their counterparts in the Spanish section and that, usually, they don’t use French in non-linguistic subjects. ---