JLL + Zendesk JLL + Zendesk RFP_FINAL | Page 40

Analyzing Your Portfolio JLL utilizes the First Impression Building Inspections (FIBI) process, which is a site walk-through inspecting the overall appearance of the building to ensure that it is being properly cleaned and maintained. This walk-through solves for the basic problem of the overall appearance of the building. The FIBI process is as follows: Corrigo work orders are created for each site to be inspected and are assigned to the JLL team member responsible for inspections throughout the year; We have leveraged Corrigo’s punch list feature for the list of items that need to be checked during an inspection. Facility Managers or Mobile Engineers complete inspections for the portfolio; frequency of inspection is determined by several factors including primary site use and headcount. FMs and Mobile Engineers log their inspections directly in the work order by capturing responses in a punch list, including follow up comments for issues identified. Our Central Support team produces reporting out of Corrigo with statistics on compliance to inspection schedules and issues identified; reporting is produced quarterly and presented to Zendesk quarterly. The grading system for FIBI is: “green” if the site has no findings or work is complete, “yellow” if the site has 1-3 categories with findings, and “red” if the site has 4 or more categories with findings. For yellow or red, the FM has to indicate the issues that need to be attended to in order to get this property in excellent condition.